Transition Year

Transition Year.

Transition year aims to; “To promote the personal, social, vocational, and educational development of students and to prepare them for their role as autonomous and participative members of society”

(DES, Transition Year Guidelines 1994/1995 )

Transition year (TY) is a one year programme designed to bridge the gap between Junior and Senior Cycle. In TY we aim to utilise a wide variety of approaches to teaching and learning, including activity-based learning, group work, project work and educational trips.

Transition year in Ardscoil resonates around the core Ceist values of: Promoting Spiritual and Human Development, Achieving Quality in Teaching and Learning, Showing Respect for Every Person, Creating Community and Being Just and Responsible.

“Transition Year (TY) is unique when it comes to second-level education; it provides the opportunity for students and schools to innovate and to be creative with their learning methods, as well as giving students the chance to develop numerous skills with a range of extra-curricular activities being made available nationally.” Exploring the Student Experience – Transition year. ISSU2014

The overall aims of Transition Year are:

  • Education for maturity, with an emphasis on social awareness and increased social competence.
  • Education through experience of adult and working life as a basis for personal development and maturity.
  • Promotion of general, technical and academic skills with an emphasis on inter-disciplinary and self-directed learning.

Quotes from Students:

“Transition Year is an opportunity to come out of your shell and learn about yourself”

“The more you get involved in TY, the more you get out of it”

“TY was the best year in school, it helps you to connect with your peers”

“Group work in TY helps you to make new friends”

“I have gained so much confidence this year”

“TY has changed me as a person, in a way other school years could never do”

“Everyday is a different adventure in TY”

“TY has really helped me to decide on a future career”

Co. Kildare,
R14 DK12,

059 863 8215

© 2025 Ardscoil na Tríonóide