Modern Foreign Languages

At Ardscoil na Tríonóide, we emphasise the importance of modern foreign languages and we are determined to provide our students with outstanding life-long learning opportunities that will prepare them for a more globalised and interconnected world where modern foreign language knowledge is paramount.

We offer Italian, German and French at both Junior and Senior cycle levels. We pride ourselves on the variety of languages offered and on their outstanding levels of teaching and learning.

As part of our full commitment towards our pupils, every year Ardscoil na Tríonóide hosts a number of language assistants in Italian, German and French. This prestigious opportunity is offered by the Department of Education and Skills of Ireland in conjunction with the Italian, German and French counterparts.

The foreign language assistant scheme allows students to experience a foreign language as a living language and is, therefore, vital for their learning.

Foreign language assistants are assigned to our school yearly from the 1st of October to the 31st of May of each year.

All foreign language assistants are regularly vetted by the National Vetting Bureau before starting their duties at Ardscoil na Tríonóide and undergo an induction and continuous training throughout their year. They continuously work with the relevant language teachers and are regularly supervised and supported by the cooperating teachers and the MFL Convenor.

The foreign language assistants cooperate with the school’s regular staff in promoting a communicative approach to the teaching of the foreign languages. Assistants contribute towards students’ understanding of the spoken language, encourage students to speak the foreign languages on a regular basis, improve their pronunciation, encourage and motivate students in reading authentic texts while giving students a better understanding of the way of life and customs of the relevant foreign county/countries.

Language assistants play a vital and supportive role for the MFL department and the wider school community.

Co. Kildare,
R14 DK12,

059 863 8215

© 2025 Ardscoil na Tríonóide