Mission Statement

Mission Statement

Ardscoil na Trionoide is inspired by the educational vision of the Venerable Catherine McAuley and the Blessed Edmund Ignatius Rice. It exists to provide a centre of learning where Christian values underpin and pervade all activities, where each member of the school community is cherished and respected.

In Ardscoil na Trionoide, emphasis is placed on the moral and spiritual formation of students along with their intellectual, social and physical development. Students are encouraged to strive towards academic excellence.

This school community advocates, and will develop a strong sense of social justice. It is intended that the experience of education in Ardscoil na Trionoide will be happy and creative, enabling each participant to strive to fulfil his/her potential.

Mission Statement
Co. Kildare,
R14 DK12,

059 863 8215

© 2025 Ardscoil na Tríonóide