Cairdeas Leaders

Cairdeas Leaders

Cairdeas Means Friendship

Every year our Cairdeas Leaders work with our First Years as mentors to support them in the transition from Primary to Secondary School. They assist at the start of the school year with lockers, classrooms and journals and they continue to support them throughout the year by meeting them every day in their social areas.

Our Cairdeas Leaders organise many activities for our First Years including a timetable of lunch time activities. These include Book Club, Kahoot Club, Board Games and Sports Club. Examples of activities they have organised in the past include a cinema trip, drumming and a surprise on Valentine’s Day along with many more. Members of our Cairdeas Leaders also help at parent/teacher meetings and the school Open Night.

Cairdeas Leaders model what we expect of every student - good manners, excellent behaviour, exemplary uniform, good attendance and punctuality. They hold kindness, trust and honesty close to their heart and display these gifts in their everyday interaction in our school community.

Co. Kildare,
R14 DK12,

059 863 8215

© 2025 Ardscoil na Tríonóide