Good evening everybody,
Finally, after a week of anxiety for parents, teachers and, most of all, 6th year students throughout the country, we have finally been updated today on the situation regarding this year’s Leaving Certificate. We now know the exams will definitely not take place in the Summer.
However, while the minister announced that a ‘Predicted Grading system’ will now replace the exams this year, he did not outline the specifics of the preferred system, so, until we receive written confirmation, it would be wrong of me to speculate in any way. All we do know is that the department inspectorate, school management and subject departments will be involved to varying degrees in the process. As soon as we receive written clarification, I will outline the details to everybody and post all relevant information on the website and through the school App.
There are mixed feelings on the decision made today and while I was appalled at the delay in clarification of the department decision, I do understand that time was required to plan for an alternative process.
While some students are very disappointed this evening and others are delighted, I’m quite certain that everybody is relieved. Being a parent of children who have gone through the Leaving Cert process under normal circumstances and knowing the stress and tension this brings to the whole household, I can only imagine the level of anxiety on students this year and I’m so glad that this is over now.
My advice to you, the students tonight is to relax, if possible, and enjoy an evening with family ( normally I would include friends here ). It’s now time to take a back seat and allow the experts to finalise their plan, so, please, forget about the exams and the ‘what if’s’ for a few days and when we know what’s happening, we will link in with you all and provide answers, where possible to your questions.
Your year head, Ms Ni Fhaolain, and our guidance counsellors, Mr. Nolan and Ms. Roche are available to support you through google classroom throughout the next few weeks so please feel free to drop them an email. I, too, am available if you need support in any way.
Finally, to all students of Ardscoil na Tríonóide, thank you for your patience this week and your dedication to your studies since we closed on the 12th of March. You are a credit to the school and to your families. Your strength of character during the lockdown in dealing with so many variables has been truly amazing. I salute you all.
Have a lovely weekend and enjoy a well deserved rest.
Johnny McCormack