Junior Cycle Book Scheme - Collection Dates and Times

Junior Cycle Book Scheme - Collection Dates and Times

Dear Parent/Guardian,

In April, the Department of Education announced the Junior Cycle Book Scheme for the academic year 2024-2025. As you know this means that all students in Junior Cycle Years (1st/2nd and 3rd Year) will receive free textbooks, workbooks and items detailed in the list below. Items that are not detailed below will need to be provided by parents/ guardians ( school bag, pencil case, pens, pencils, topper, eraser, 30cm ruler, small pack of colouring pencils etc).

1st/2nd/3rd Year Students will receive:

A4 copies -12

A4 hardback copies -3

A4 Science copy -1

Refill pad -1

Small copy -1


Display folder-1

* 1st Years will also receive a maths set and a calculator. 1st Years will also receive a set of zip mesh folders (pouches) to package their textbook/workbook and copy for each subject and assist them with organisation of their locker.

All books remain the property of the school and will need to be taken care of and looked after as the school will not be in a position to replace lost or damaged textbooks/workbooks. Below are two documents (Ardscoil na Tríonóide Junior Cycle Book Scheme Policy and the Junior Cycle Book Scheme Contract) that we would kindly ask you to read carefully with your child. When you collect the books we will ask parents/ guardians and child to sign the Junior Cycle Book Scheme Contract. If you cannot bring your child we will ask you to sign it on their behalf.

We are now at the point where we would like to distribute both textbooks and stationery to parents/guardians . Please find below collection dates/times. They will be distributed from Area 7 which is part of the new school extension beside the school gym.

Wednesday 14th August 9am -12:30 and 1:30-4:30pm

Thursday 15th August 9am -12:30 and 1:30-4:30pm

Junior Cycle Book Scheme Policy

Junior Cycle Book Scheme Contract

Co. Kildare,
R14 DK12,

059 863 8215

© 2025 Ardscoil na Tríonóide